How a company used to hire their ideal summer interns

How a company used to hire their ideal summer interns

After a day at a career fair at OsloMet, a company had a list of over 100 applicants for a summer internship.

All the students had diverse backgrounds and different levels of experience.

100 applicants is a lot to go through manually, even if each interview takes you 20 minutes, you’re talking about over 33 hours. Not counting setting all the interviews up, and dealing with re-scheduling.

This is a perfect use-case for!

An email was sent to these 100+ students with a link owned by the company. Out of these 100 students, only 5 successfully made it through.

Interviewing 5 people who have been pre-vetted takes much less time than interviewing 100+. 


If we do some quick maths. Let’s say only 50 students actually made it to an interview. And each interview + logistics takes on average 37 minutes. This would take 30 hours. About an entire week. Let’s say each hour of the person responsible for this costs the company $40. would save the company in this instance alone about $1200!


After shortening the list down to 5 people, you can interview all of them within a day, and you’re much less likely to make a bad hire. In this case, they hired a very competent pair of interns for their summer internship.

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